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SplashCap(R)  products are all protected by intellectual property, including those listed below, which we vigorously maintain and defend. 

We continue to be successful in our patent, trademark and copyright litigation and/or settlements with small, medium and
multi-billion dollar companies that challenged our rights. 

The status of these protections are constantly changing, so check here for updates and contact us for questions or confirmations:

[email protected]

SplashCap®; ‘E.R.®; Schnozzle®; EyeCap™; AbscessCap; EarCap; NoseCap™; EasiEar™
Get ‘E.R.® Done™;  STRONG ‘E.R.®™; TOGETH ‘E.R.®™; WORKING TOGETH ‘E.R.®™
thinking outside the docs™; IT’S SNOT. OUR JOB.™

Products on the website may be covered by the following patents:

10,758,666; 10,576,198; 10,363,356; 8,747,372; 8,672,904; 8,002,757; 7,802,574; 7,311,695; 
D886,996; D779,669; D777,903; D743,019; D736,906; D642,869; D639,425; D639,424; D638,120
Additional Patents are Pending for products on this website.

Additional patent, trademark, trade dress and copyright protections apply.